Papieri People

Andrea Williner

aw moments

Captured: a fitting setting for child and family photography

Andrea Williner moved her photography studio «aw moments» to Maschinengasse in December 2022. She immediately felt at home in the split-level studio. In this interview she talks about the things that are most important to her in her work and what she loves about the Papieri complex.

Urban flair with a rural feel: the combination of old and new in the Papieri complex perfectly complements the visual style of Andrea's photography studio. Traditional values are set in a modern light, decorative touches are twitched into place, tulle is draped and singular moments are captured for eternity. «Basically I do anything and everything that involves children and families. I really like this type of photography and I get a lot of enjoyment from my work,» says the aw moments founder

«Basically I do anything and everything that involves children and families».

Andrea Williner, freelance photographer since 2014

She started experimenting with photography at a young age just as a hobby, traveled as a freelance photographer in her younger years, and in 2014, after several years of working two jobs, she quit her office job to dedicate herself fully to photography. «If I'm going to do something, I do it properly. I want the result to be just as perfect as I would expect it to be if it were for me. That wasn't possible any more while I was just part-time,» she explains.

Andrea regards top quality and variation as key. For pregnancy shoots alone, she has a regularly rotating collection of around 90 dresses, and she is always coming up with new ideas for newborn photo series too. «It's important to keep your finger on the pulse, to follow trends and to always bring new ideas and inspiration to photo shoots,» she says. She gets inspiration from regular workshops, social media and day-to-day life.

The right props for every idea: Andrea has an entire room full of tulle, feathered wings and decorative touches.
The well-lit backdrop makes you forget that you are in a former paper mill.

Andrea herself is a mother of two girls, which is how she came to specialize in child and family photography.

«For pregnancy shoots alone I have a collection of 90 dresses for my clients. It's important to keep your finger on the pulse and to always bring new inspiration to shoots.»

Andrea Williner

The studio in the Papieri complex was opened at the end of 2022 and has two levels. The top floor and gallery is for pregnancy shoots, while new parents and their sometimes very new babies are photographed on the ground floor.

The studio offers a lot of flexibility, and it needs to: the youngest models are just 10 days old, and it is important that the little ones feel comfortable. It is also an exceptional time for parents, and a great deal of sensitivity and patience is required. A pleasant atmosphere and a comfortable space with a lots of room are essential.

The inviting studio provides a lot of space for ideas and includes a quiet space to relax with a cup of coffee and a changing table.
[Translate to Englisch:] Auch ein Rückzugsort für eine Pause mit Kaffee und Kuchen sowie ein Wickeltisch gehören zum Studio.

The modern industrial style of the Papieri buildings, the exposed concrete combined with the warm décor in the studio – they blend together well. In summer, most shoots are done outside if the weather is nice. There are numerous beautiful spots in and around Cham that provide the perfect backdrop.


«I also really like having the option of taking photos right here on the banks of the Lorze in summer. And as soon as the construction site barriers are gone, I'll definitely do photo shoots inside the Papieri complex itself. Even just the brick wall in Maschinengasse is an excellent backdrop for a baby belly shoot,» says Andrea. It's clear that the photographer is well organized and has an extraordinary feel for the proper setting.

«As soon as the construction site barriers are gone, I'll do photo shoots inside the Papieri complex itself. Even just the brick wall in Maschinengasse is an excellent backdrop for a baby belly shoot.»

Andrea Williner

«I am so happy here and hope that the area continues to develop like it has. The Papieri complex is multicultural and has so much to offer, whether you are big or small

Andrea Williner


«I am so happy here and hope that the area continues to develop like it has and that our amazing community continues to grow. The Papieri complex is multicultural and has so much to offer, whether you are big or small,» she reflects happily. Regular drinks, the avec box which is open 24/7, the giant slide, the fantastic mix of tenants and seamless communication are key reasons why Andrea and her clients are so comfortable here. It is still missing restaurants and cafés with outdoor seating, which would attract people from other areas. «But that will come with time. I've heard that the old boiler house is going to be converted into a lighthouse restaurant,» says the passionate photographer excitedly.


Andrea Williner Photography
Maschinengasse 4
6330 Cham

Phone   079 734 95 17

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