
Already occupied

[Translate to Englisch:] Haus A vom Papieri-Platz aus.
[Translate to Englisch:] Die Maschinengasse, links mit Haus A und rechts mit den ehemaligen Papiermaschinenhallen PM1-4.
[Translate to Englisch:] In der 2. Etappe fertiggestellt: Haus I (links) und vorne rechts Haus K.
[Translate to Englisch:] Haus L am Papieri-Platz war das erste bezogene Hochhaus.

Rent and ownership

In the first construction phase, the southernmost high-rise, Building L, and the former paper machine halls PM1-4 were sold as condominium units and have already been occupied. Currently, there are no additional ownership projects available. Sign up on our interest list to be informed about new offers before others.

Also, in the first construction phase, Building A with 163 rental apartments, 30 of which are affordable, has been occupied. High-rise K with 36 rental apartments was occupied at the end of 2024 as part of the second construction phase. Any vacancies can be found in the listings. Information on future rental offers can be found here.

About the housing offers

Rental apartments in High-rise K

High-quality apartments with a view

As the second southernmost high-rise, Building K – the new building with 36 rental apartments from the second construction phase – offers phenomenal views over the rooftops of Cham, the Zugersee, and the Central Swiss Alps: expansive 2.5 to 5.5-room apartments in every respect.

To Building K

Rental apartments in Building A

Urban and nature-oriented living

Parallel to the former paper machine halls PM1-4, Building A stretches with around 160 rental apartments. Here, you can live in attractive 2.5 to 5.5-room apartments, enjoying both urban living and close proximity to nature.

To Building A

Affordable apartments

A total of 100 affordable rental apartments will be created on the Papieri site to ensure social diversity in the neighborhood. In the first construction phase, the first 30 affordable rental apartments were built in Building A, and the next affordable apartments will be included in the third construction phase. These apartments make it possible for people with lower incomes to live on the Papieri site.

To the affordable rental apartments

William White
Leiter Asset- & Arealmanagement
Cham Group

we are the
papieri people

we are the
papieri people

William White
Leiter Asset- & Arealmanagement
Cham Group