Papieri People

Esther Schneebeli Portmann

Dentistry at the Papieri site

When a brand new neighborhood of housing and business is created, there’s definitely space for a new dental practice – much to the delight of Esther Schneebeli Portmann. In an interview, the dentist explains what she loves about the location and what she’s looking forward to the most.

A patient once told her that he never feels more relaxed than when he’s in the sauna or lying in the dentist’s chair.

When Esther Schneebeli Portmann first visited the Papieri site, she knew in an instant that she absolutely had to set up her new practice here. «This place has a unique feel to it, with old buildings that have been preserved and sustainably renovated. It promises a fantastic atmosphere, and I felt good about it right from the start,» says the dentist.

«When I came to the Papieri area for the first time, it was immediately clear: here or not at all.»

Esther Schneebeli Portmann

Esther has always been one for listening to her intuition; indeed, that was how she choose her profession and followed her career path in the first place. «When I was young, I did a jewelry course and almost became a goldsmith. Dentistry isn’t that far away from crafting jewelry: it’s all about finesse and precision, which really speak to me.»

«In dentistry it’s all about finesse and precision, which really speak to me.»

Esther Schneebeli Portmann

After completing her college studies, Esther continued her training in various areas of dentistry, gained several years of professional experience and is now ready to strike out on her own. «I don’t get nervous about anything related to dentistry now; in fact, I relish the fact that every day is different and exciting. After all, every patient is wired differently.» Her tactfulness, friendliness and patience make patients feel at home: «Patients have to feel comfortable from the moment they arrive. After all, this job is about people, not just about teeth,» she says. What does she particularly like about her job?

«There are all sorts of highlights. For instance, when someone can eat again without feeling any pain or regains the confidence to smile properly again. When that happens, I know that I chose the right calling. Dentists aren’t especially popular in general,» she says with a smile.

Empathy and precision are crucial in her profession.
The sports-loving mother of two loves the proximity to the River Lorze and Lake Zug.

«Having planned everything so intensively, I’m looking forward to being able to devote myself to my actual passion, dentistry, and finally getting started,» she says. She is establishing the practice together with three or four employees and has made the conscious decision not to draw from an existing patient base. «I want to start from scratch with a young, dynamic team that fits together well and shares my values. I believe that having a positive attitude is very important, because our patients can feel it, too,» she explains. The practice is designed in such a way that it can be expanded if necessary, so there’s room for further growth.



«I’m utterly won over by the location and want to grow my business here, together with the Papieri neighborhood.»

Esther Schneebeli Portmann

Esther is particularly pleased that everyday dentistry is finding its way into the practice, and she’s also a big fan of the proximity to the River Lorze and the way that the Papieri development is coming to life. “I hope that there are plans for a really good café for Papieri – that would be great,” she smiles.

The countdown has begun: the final stages of construction are in progress, so the practice will be up and running soon. Papieri is coming back to life.

Papieri dental practice

The new dental practice, Zahnpraxis Papieri, will open in October 2022 at Papieri-Platz 1. It will specialize in reconstructive dentistry and crown and bridge prosthetics, but will also cover a comprehensive range of services, from simple check-ups to complex treatments. The practice will treat adults and children alike with kindness and skill, and will also address dental hygiene. This passionate dentist is delighted to complement the healthcare services on offer in Cham and at the Papieri development specifically.

Papieri News