Virtual Museum

The hydroelectric power plant

The hydroelectric power plant

The power house of the factory

The paper mill has always relied on the hydropower supplied by the river Lorze. At first, using water wheels and then, turbines and generators. Since 2021, two turbines have supplied half of the energy requirements for the entire site.

The power plant on the right had a forceful gradient. (1890)
The schematic drawing by the power plant manufacturer Bell in Kriens. (1909)
The newly installed Francis turbine generated considerably more power. (1909)
Even after almost 100 years, the power plant was still in perfect working order. (2007)
This is what the Papieri hydroelectric power plant looked like in 2019. It required a complete overhaul.
The hydroelectric power plant was also refurbished as part of the site development.
The old turbine is no longer in operation and is displayed in the museum.
The new hydroelectric power plant also includes a 130-meter-long fish and beaver ladder.


The hydroelectric power plant plays an important role for the site today, just as it did in the past.