Virtual Museum

The goods station

The goods station

Working no matter what the weather

When the mill built its very own railway track in 1920, it also built its own small goods station. The station was right next to the factory hall and become the mill’s logistics hub. It was perfect for loading and unloading goods carriages, no matter what the weather.

This electric lifting device made it easier to load and unload the railroad wagons.
The former logistics control center of the paper mill.
Today, the goods station serves as the entrance and exit to the Kalanderbau building and its underground parking lot.
Today, the goods station also includes a service station for cycles and bikes.
Another Papieri Platz gem: the goods station today.


Goods used to be loaded and unloaded here, but the building now serves as the entrance to the Kalanderbau building and the underground parking lot.

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find out more?

For more detailed information about Cham paper mill’s goods station, take a look here:

Das Rampengebäude


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the goods station today