
01. June 2023

New virtual museum now open

The Cham paper mill is a thing of the past. But their history and stories remain present. Thanks to the new virtual museum, which was officially opened on June 1st with a vernissage.

Innovations have always driven development on the Papieri site - so an innovative approach has now been chosen. The virtual museum was created in close cooperation with the Chamapedia association and shows the highlights of the last 360 years. Eight signage pillars and building panels each make the soul of the place visible via QR codes to video clips, many digital links and in-depth information, films and images and create a virtual experience.

go to virtual museum

Image: Thomas Aebischer, CEO Cham Group, and Bruno Werder, President of the Chamapedia association, in front of a signage pillar with a QR code for the new, virtual museum.